There are many citizen in rural area who are residing in house property from generations but have no ownership documents. In kalmeshwar taluka of Nagpur District, a senior citizen Shri Shyamrao Gangaram Patmase is residing in the village KOHALI in gram panchayat area. His ancestral property comprising of one residential house and one agricultural land. His family was basically cultivator who had been allotted the agricultural land by Malgujar who also allotted plot for residential house and since more than 100 years, this family is enjoying the rights on property. Two Old Houses bearing No. 320 & 321 are constructed & used by his sons now. Gram Panchayat is also collecting house tax since long. But in survey No. 55, this land is shown as Zudpi Jungle and Aabadi with Owner as State Government. This senior citizen Shri Shyamrao Gangaram Patmase has no document to show his ownership right except tax paid documents. When Gram Panchayat started constructing road on his property, he brought stay order from Civil Court but lost the court case in long run. He is now in appeal at Nagpur Court but not expected to get any relief though stay order is still in force.
He also applied to Tahsildat Kalmeshwar for allotment of this house property and pass order to that effect under provision of Madhya Pradesh Abolition of Proprietary Rights (Estates, Mahals, Alienated Lands) Act, 1950 (Act 1 of 1951). What is the remedy for such man who had been residing for year but have no documents to prove ownership when Gram Panchayat itself is poised to acquire the property for public use.