Yes, I am a surplus employee with 16.5 years of qualifying service(QS).
The additional question is: (kindly refer ccs pension rule 1972- rule 29A, 36b, 48A/6a, 49(2) )
wether I will be elegible for full pension as under rule 49(2) of ccs pension rules with 10yrs of QS and less than 20yrs of QS.(Rule 48A/6a specifically exclude surplus vrs optees from having 20yrs of qualifying service. and Rule 49(2) categorically says .... retiring under the provision of these rules... mimimum 10yrs of qualifiying service)
The interpretation doubt is...
Can rule 49(2) with 10yrs of QS be interpreted in following manner --- 49(2) provision applies to retirement happening only to cases of superannuation and no other cases. (This type of interpretaion is held is court several times as only surperannuation is premitted under 49(2) but no where mentioned in 49(2))
In case of rule 48A/6a it clearly excludes surplus employees from having 20yrs minimum service for retirement.
Again.. Will retirement under ccs pension rule entitle a person for pension under it?does the word retirement mean the employee is entitled for pension ( Generally this is the course courts take and they clearly differentiate each thing seperatley and looks for rule behind each objects that they differenciate)
To sum up in mathematical terms of set theory... Retirement is a universal set, while pension is a subset of universal set. Right of universal set does not confer right to subset while right to subset obviously entitles for universal set. (to illustrate: Rivers are universal set and kaveri river is a subset. Entitlement for River doesnot guarntee kaveri river but entitlement for kaveri river guarntees River and kaveri river in particular.)
In the facts above can any one clarify the entitlement of pension with 10yrs of QS and less than 20yrs of QS as applicable to surplus employees seeking Special voluntary retirement.