wolfden1980 23 February 2018
Adv. SUNIL MHATRE 23 February 2018
Kumar Doab (FIN) 23 February 2018
Your own very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in civil matters and having successful track record………………that is in knowledge of all facts, inputs, docs on record must have already advised you to approach court of law for recovery…
The said guests and their counsel can also contest and put up their defense and evidences and court shall decide on merits.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 23 February 2018
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 24 February 2018
The jurisdiction for court will be the area, where your resort is situated. If your guests were far away they will have to come to your locality to contest the case. That is your advantage. You should take all precautions so that such things do not happen in future. There may be others who run resorts in your locality or nearby localities. Try to benefit from their experinces.