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MANJU GUPTA   17 September 2015

Non payment of family pension to a mentally retarded child

My father retired as SM under DRM NR Ferozepur in the year 1983and drew pension till 2005. After his demise my mother received family pension till 22-3-2010(date of her death).My brother(of whom I am legal guardian) is a mentally retarded person since his infancy. In the year 2001, DRM Ferozepur issued a letter admitting my son as mentaly retarded . His letter also stated that family pension will be transferred to him on application by the guardian after demise of both the parents.

After exchange of communication, I finally applied for his family pension in September, 2012 and Railway authorities also got the fact finding inquiry conducted by vising the Institute for Mentally retarded where my brother is an inmate. In December, 2012, Personnel Department of DRM office Ferozepur issued a letter that case will be sent to their Accounts department on 25-12-2012. Again in February 2014 they again informed me that case will be sent to Accounts Department on 27-2-14. To my utter dismay they have now stated that being a 32 years old case, the original records are not available in their Personnel and Accounts Department and, therefore, case cannot be examined and has closed the case. They have igonored the contents of their own letter issued in 2001 where they had directed to file the pension application only after demise of both the parents.


The following documents are still available with the Railway: 1 - PPO of my father/mother, 2-  Medical Certficate of disability of my brother from a Medical Board,,  3- Letter issued in 2001 by Railways.

All these three documents are sufficient to issue fresh PPO as no fresh calculation is to be made and only the family pension is to be transferred from deceased mother to the child. 

Seek your expert advise on plea taken by the Railway where they themselves are custodian of old records if at all required by them

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