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Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     07 April 2010

Non receipt of reply of RTI application

Dear All

I had filed an RTI application to Ministery of Health Maharashtra state on 24-09-09. I did not recive any reply, then on 30 november I filed first Appeal to FAA under 19(1). Again I did not recive any reply, then as last recourse. I filed second appeal to state information commission Maharshtra on 5-02-2010.

even SIC did not respond my appeal.

don't you think, such system is very reckless and does the open vioaltion of RTI act-2005. it is some kind of mockery of law.

after 6 months I don't have even any single communication related to filed RTI.

you are kindly requested to guide me in this regard

Rajeev Kumar


 4 Replies

harsh asthana (advocate)     07 April 2010

You can file a writ in High court and High court  under Art. 226 will direct Ministry of helth to give you the sought information

DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     11 April 2010


Rama mohan Acharya (Manager HR(Legal))     16 April 2010

You can also file a complaint to the Chief Information Commissioner of the State  with a copy to the chief minister's office. You may thereafter use RTI for the action taken by CM's office.

Siddharth Khandelwal (owner)     08 May 2012


इस उत्तर के साथ में डी.ओ.पी.टी. का एक महत्वपूर्ण कार्यालयीन ज्ञापन है.
इसके अनुसार प्रथम अपील तीस दिनों  में आमंत्रित हो जानी चाहिए. यदि ऐसा नहीं होता है 
तो इसके कारण लिखित में दर्ज होने चाहिए.     अभी भी आप अपने आवेदन  के सन्दर्भ में 
एक नया आवेदन लगाकर पूछ सकते हैं की  इस ज्ञापन के अनुसार अपील आमंत्रित न 
किये के कारण दर्ज किये गए थे की नहीं?यदि हाँ तो तो वे समस्त कारण दर्शाने वाले दस्तावेजों की सत्यापित 
एवं प्रमाणित प्रतिलिपियाँ उपलब्ध करायी जाएँ .ज्ञापन की प्रतिलिपि आवेदन के साथ जरूर संलग्न करें. 

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