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sudhir yadav (sales manager)     18 September 2009

not receving my full and final and my provident fund

dear sir ,

please do the needful on urgent basus.


 6 Replies

A V Vishal (Advocate)     19 September 2009

Register your grievance at the following link for redressal


Ashish Ovalekar (Manager Legal & Compliance)     22 September 2009

Dear Sudhir,

I would first suggest that you demand a accknowledgement from your employer of the documents when they have submitted your PF forms to them. If the PF Office has not acted upon your application, you can put a legal notice to the PF authorities, and side by side initiate action as suggested by Mr. Vishal. This would give you a documentary evidence, which would be beneficial to you.



Suresh C Mishra (advocate)     28 September 2009

 yes i also agree with Mr Ashish Kumar .

RAVI   09 September 2016

Dear Sir 

Despite my reminders company CEO and Director is only telling that they will make payments once their financial conditions improves. but this is a lame reply but not replying to my email or written letter. i have received my payments from EPF deptt very fast but company is not settling my accounts(F&F) as yet,

kindly advice 

Ravi Bhushan


Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 September 2016

There are many threads on similar queries at LCI e.g;

If you want to recover you need to Act.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     13 September 2016

even after reading attachement the qeury remains vague.

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