Dear Mr.Ajith,
I would like to reproduce the content of Rule 6 regarding the disputed point. "Provided that if the sale of such secured assets is being effected either by inviting tenders from the public or by by holding public auction, the secured creditor shall cause a public notice in two leading newspapers, one in vernacular language, having sufficient circulation in that locality by setting out the terms or sale".
On going throught the rule mentioned supra, my interpretation would be, we have to give paper publication in 2 dailies, out of which one should be in the vernacular and both the dailies shoul have sufficient circulation in that area. It does not mean that a national daily and a state daily."
I've replied to you only as a healthy debate and also request you to enlighten me if you have a different view.
Mr.Raju and Mr.Ramachary also can throw light on this aspect.