Probation Period
You will be on probation for an initial period of Six months from the date of your joining. If found necessary, the probation period may be extended at the sole discretion of the management. However, if your services are found satisfactory and you are found suitable to our requirement on completion of the probation period or extended probation period or even before the expiry of the probation period, you will be confirmed in employment, in writing. Unless confirmed in writing, you will be deemed to be on probation even after expiry of the probation period or the extended period of probation.
Notice Period
You can leave services by resignation by giving Ninety (90) days’ notice in writing or payment in lieu thereof. You will be paid no salary in case you leave the services of the company within the probation period without serving the notice period.
As per the above poits
If I work here for 8 months without receiving any employment confirmation letter, will I be considered to be in the probation period? And if I leave the job without giving notice, I won't receive my pending salary, right? I just want to confirm if I will have to pay 90 days' salary instead.