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KA (OA)     20 March 2025

Notice period

Probation Period

You will be on probation for an initial period of Six months from the date of your joining. If found necessary, the probation period may be extended at the sole discretion of the management. However, if your services are found satisfactory and you are found suitable to our requirement on completion of the probation period or extended probation period or even before the expiry of the probation period, you will be confirmed in employment, in writing. Unless confirmed in writing, you will be deemed to be on probation even after expiry of the probation period or the extended period of probation. 

Notice Period

You can leave services by resignation by giving Ninety (90) days’ notice in writing or payment in lieu thereof.  You will be paid no salary in case you leave the services of the company within the probation period without serving the notice period.


As per the above poits

If I work here for 8 months without receiving any employment confirmation letter, will I be considered to be in the probation period? And if I leave the job without giving notice, I won't receive my pending salary, right? I just want to confirm if I will have to pay 90 days' salary instead.

 5 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     21 March 2025

Every condition as to niotice is reciprocal. The employer reserving the right to discharge the employee without any notice during probation period, the employee can also not bound to serve any notice period. It is not lawful to deny salary earned by the employee.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     21 March 2025

The employment offer letter condition is very clear that you you will be on probation until your employment is confimred by a confirmation letter given in writing by your employer and of course you can resign the job during probation wihtout giving notice but you will not get slary as per the conditions.

KA (OA)     21 March 2025

In that case is it mandatory to serve the notice period of 90 Day's? It is mentioned in the T&C that if I am on prohibition period and if I quit the job in the period no pending salary will paid but what about the just the line before the same. Will that be applicable on me?

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     21 March 2025

You will be paid no salary in case you leave the services of the company within the probation period without serving the notice period.

The above is the condition you are referring again?

Well, it is clear that if you leave the company during probation period without seving the notice period then yo will not be entitled to any salary.


KA (OA)     21 March 2025

But they are saying to legal action if I will not pay the compassion amount equivalent to 90days'. Shall I bound to pay to the amount equivalent to 90 Days'? Because I want to quit without taking any pending remuneration of mine because of my family issues.

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