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rahim (HR)     06 February 2015

Notice period with out confirmation letter

Hello sir, 

I have joined in TVS Infotech as a lead consultant in 10 Feb 2014, and at the time of offer it was written in my offer letter that 6 months will be my probation period and after s6 months up on my performance they may confirm my employment or may extend the probation period.

As if now 11 months over i did not receive  any communication(Mail/letter/Verbal) regarding my confirmation from the company.

As per the Offer letter employe under probation period need to serve one month notice period and confirmed employees need to serve for 3 months

so, now I have resigned to the company, i am claiming for 1 month notice period. but he company denies for 3months, and they are not even producing any document regarding my confimation with the company.

Kindly help me how to take this matter.

need  your guidance in this regard.



Abdul Rahim






 5 Replies

praveen kumar (LEGAL MANAGER)     06 February 2015

You have yourself stated your case that you were never confirmed by the company so before they confirm you; you submit your resignation serve 1 month notice period and ask for full and final settlement.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     06 February 2015

1.      As already pointed out by Mr. Praveen Kumar, as per the service condition of notice period of ………………..inserted by employer in appointment letter drafted by it ,the notice period applicable to you is 30 days.


2.      Don’t remain entangled with Line Managers,HR personnel!


Record their threats/statements (audio/visual/witnesses/minutes of discussion………….).

You can Submit under proper acknowledgment a written communication addressed to good offices of appointing authority, MD that on dated……………………Mr/Ms………………has stated that notice period applicable to  you is 90 days that is wrong and you submitted notice of resignation  as per CORRECT notice period of 30 days applicable to you vide clause number ……………in appointment letter dated…………..issued to you and god offices may ensure that acknowledgment of notice of resignation is supplied to you immediately and acceptance of resignation, FnF statement in original for verification and acceptance showing adjustment of CORRECT notice period/pay and  payables by you/payables by company and net amount payable by either employee/employer, salary slips of all months, PF number with a/c slips, ESIC card, service certificate, relieving letter, NOC/NDC be supplied to you within and upto last date in office…………………i.e dated……………….as already tendered vide of notice of resignation dated……………submitted by you………….


AND :::NO tasks are pending at your end (download proof)…………….and routine duties be assigned that can be completed on daily basis within and upto expiry of your notice period on dated………………and you be informed to whom you should handover the charge within and upto last date in office dated………………against acknowledgment on the spot…………



3.      Why employees in your sector i.e. IT/ITeS suffer from such unscrupulous employers and their attorney’s in Line Managers/HR personnel?

Because they are not thoroughly united!!!!!!!

Now there are many IT/ITeS employee’s unions and many of the trade unions like CITU,INTUC,AITUC,BMS …………….and political parties like Shiv Sena have embraced them.

The employee’s unions have done good jobs too e.g. ending the blanket exemption granted to IT companies from the provisions of Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act…………………………compelling M/s TCS to backtrack from mass lay off (go thru news publications in Chennai and other cities)………………. making it mandatory to form GRC (Grievance Redressal Committee’s in all companies………………….declaration by NSR of Nasschom (national security registry) that they do not indulge in blacklisting of employees…………………..etc…

Are you aware that ‘Works Committee’ as in ID Act is an authority…………………….and it has equal number of members from employees and the President is from Employee’s?

The united employee’s can negotiate service conditions much better and can end their exploitation………………….coercion, intimidation,……..blackmailing!!!!!!





4. The notice period of 90 days may not be necessarily applicable in your case!


This has been explained in length in many threads e.g.:



The notice period/notice pay  is part of service conditions that is governed by various enactments applicable to the establishment/employer/employee e.g. ( Name of the state) Shops and Commercial Establishments Act that was enacted to govern the service conditions of employees working in such establishments, standing orders……….. These being enactments/instrument of law/statue…. enacted as per law of the land, shall prevail upon any private agreement/policy/rule drafted by employer and signed with employee e.g. appointment letter/contract of employment/HR policy/service rules and regulations/service agreement etc……………and any service condition that is inconsistent with such enactments shall not survive…….

After going thru the above thread you may post other information that is relevant..




Become member of employee's/Trade Unions e.g. CITU/INTUC/AITUC/BMS................


You can approach: Employee's unions/Labor Law consultant, and your counsel may opine that you are covered by def. of ‘Employee’, ‘Workman’…………  




And that you can approach:Inspector appointed under (name of the state) Shops and Commercial establishments Act/Payment of wages Act, O/O Labor Commissioner....

rahim (HR)     06 February 2015

Yes sir, i have resigned the company, but the HR is not accepting my one month notice period, neither they are not producing any document for the confirmation so that i may think of 3 months notice period. kindly guide me how to take this matter legally. regards, Abdul Rahim

Kumar Doab (FIN)     08 February 2015

The steps that you can take have already been explained in detail in this and other threads suggested to you.


You may take help of elders in the family, employee's/trade unions leaders,your lawyer and proceed further under their guidance.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     08 February 2015

Being a HR person yourself, you should not face difficulty.

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