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Gundlapallis (Advocate)     26 December 2009

Now a days press and social responsibility

AP Raj Bhavan issue:

Even if the news might be true, the way the newspaper advertised and the way the film was show until it was stopped by the court order...  Now the question is:  Freedom of press means freedom from social responsibility?  Is that the way to break a news that involved the highest office of the State?

Apparently the newspaper and its group over zelouslywanted only to be the first to encash the sensation never minding what damage it is doing to the public trust.  The news was broke with such hype usually a new release of film gets.

 4 Replies


Strongly condemable. Governer have lost moral right to continue highest position og the state.


It is politically motivated clip. One political party would like to take advantage abd trying to divert and trying to blame the government. If that media persons have clipping why didn't they telecast before or file a complaint with President of India or SUpreme Court?


Media persons are money looters. If they get money they shut their mouths and stop writing news. If the media persons are true they have to expose all political parties presidents, Ministers and other leaders dealings.



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If there is no control on Media it is common in India to show any thing.

Why Dooradharshan is not showing all unwanted clips such as Murders, Rapes and lootings etc....

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Doordarshan journalists follow Journalism ethics. Private channals donot follow jounalism ethics and even they don't know journalism ethics. Any one can work in private TV channal as a journalist eventhough he/she doesn't know journalism.Government have to take stringent steps to impose news censor on private channals. Oh one speak about democracy. Our country people are enjoying with over democracy. They should be controlled.Otherwise we have to see ruin of great bharat.
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Today's TV channels exposing news too much in poor light. They think they are above all and they are the only one who try to bring reforms in our country. The media persons quiz legal luminaries, ministers, etc., in a very high-handed manner. I think popular people like popular lawyers, counsels appearing in senisitive cases, etc., should first avoid giving interviews lest the studios will become arena for prejudiced trials without papers, documents, evidences. The basic principle is that once a matter is in court, it is sub-judice and shall not be thrown for a public debate, but the said principle is thrown into winds. I recently saw an interview on a private channel debating the criminal trial in Kasab case. The Public Prosecutor and the Defence Counsel were replying to the interviewer (Rajdeep Sar Desai). The Defence Counsel was grilled by the interviewer in so many angles, which as a lawyer, I felt it too much for an interviewer and it was practically looking like 'trial by media'. It is high time that the Government of India and the Supreme Court shall gag the press atleast on such sensitive cases.

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