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c. shah... (Service)     18 July 2013

NRI wife's right according to New Marriage Laws Amendment

I have read about the new Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 today. So, arise following questions about the case.

Wife lived with husband only 25 days after marriage in India and went back to foreign country. Now she has better financial condition than husband (in India) and well maintain herself in foreign country and possess permanent resident visa of that country.Wife wanted divorce after five months of marriage and still now wants divorce after two years completed of marriage. Husband has tried very much to reconciliation with wife but wife is not ready to live with husband.So, husband has to decided for mutual divorce and entered petition in family court u/s.13B of H.M.Act.

Que-1: If Marriage Laws Amendment Bill will successfully establish , Can wife entitle to get share in property of husband’s father after mutual consent divorce in this case?

Que-2: Shall the new Marriage Laws Amendment Bill applicable for old divorce case or new divorce case? 

 2 Replies

heral (working)     18 July 2013

The government should think again, and also put on record that what is the financialposition of daughters parents, what her sttus of  living and income of her parents, and even ifgovernment wants to favour, they should say * tose marriages will consume from today this law will be applicable for them not earliser married /or their cases are pending, but newly married from today only *

R K........ (Analyst)     19 July 2013

It has to be first passed by parliament. It will be applicable for new marriages only and Everything will be taken into consideration like financial status of both boy and girl and how long they have stayed together etc etc

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