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Mantu   20 November 2019


I am a law abiding and peaceful Senior Citizen of India aged 73 years who resides at  Kolkata. The premise is jointly owned by me and my younger brother. In this premise, I occupy the half portion of the said premise, the remaining half being occupied by my brother. We have separate residence, but there are common areas including the main entrance, lobby, staircase, roof, etc. I live with my wife, who is also a senior citizen, and my only son in our portions in the premise. My brother and his family members do not reside in the premise, but they have kept one maid servant. The above-mentioned maid servant is creating severe nuisance to us since long. I informed the matter to my brother many times and requested him to take necessary steps so that we can live at our home with peace and harmony. But no such step has been taken so far. Because of this, both me and my wife, who are respectable senior citizens, are becoming extremely sick, depressed and vulnerable. Unfortunately, such nuisance is increasing by leaps and bounds and we are feeling as if we are subjected to physical, mental and psychological torture because of this. Both of us were hospitalized several times, the most recent being of my wife on 6th September 2019 after being severely harassed by the above-named maid servant. We are sick and vulnerable senior citizens and anything adverse may happen to us. 

We complained the local police several times by GD. The police came to our home and recorded our statements. The police also called the maid servant in the police station, but I heard that she has gave a false complaint in the CAW cell of the said police station against me. 

What should we do now? We desire for a peaceful life at our house during the last days of our life. 

Please help us. 

 1 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     20 November 2019

Dear respectable senior citizen,the problem is socail more that legal.It is better if you caould prevail upon your brother through effective sources and made him to get rid of this nuisance ;you can be helped by by any socail service agency or any NGO that intervene in such cases. 

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