The marriage was performed in dec 2013 as per hindu customary. later on wife revealed that she had a relation with a marriaed person and from the last seven year she was living with him as live in relation ship and she doesn't want to live with husband she also didn't allow to consumate the marriage. after that an agreement was signed by husabnd and wife to declare the marriage null and void and also she had given her statment in presense of inspector of mahila thana and first class magistrate. she left her husband within 12 days of the marriage. husband filed case under sec 12 c for declaring the marriage a null and void, she also appeared in the case through her layer but after 2 dates she left the parvi. later on family court has declared the marriage null and void under sec 12 1 c and order 8 rule 10 of CRPC. later on it was also came to the notice that her father has filled a kidnapping case against her boyfried and under 164 she filed her statement in presense of ACGM that she had alredy married to her boy friend 7 years back in a temple and she wants to live with him only. now a notice has been recived that she had also filled case at her native palace under sec 11 & 12 for declaring the marriage null and void. as her native place is far away from husband place and her boy friend is a criminal. Now what to do in this case.