Dear Sir,
someone in my area has sold more land like 12 beega whila he has only 10 beega in his title. what action can be taken in this regard.
Rajeev 26 August 2015
Dear Sir,
someone in my area has sold more land like 12 beega whila he has only 10 beega in his title. what action can be taken in this regard.
saravanan s (legal advisor) 26 August 2015
how are you related to the query you had posted
Rajeev 26 August 2015
This land is in the left side of my land one person who has purchages land from him is encroching my side says my land is being short.
Rajeev 26 August 2015
i told him that you should find your land in your khasra only, but he says you fight with him why should i, i told him that our land owners are diffrent khasra numbers are different but he denied and broken my boundry wall and done construction above it(side roof and window shelters).
Rajeev 27 August 2015
saravanam sir, kindly help and give suggestion
saravanan s (legal advisor) 27 August 2015
you obtain an injunction over the neighbour from proceeding with the construction and also file a case of criminal tresspassing
Rajeev 28 August 2015
can i go for permanet injuction ?, please give some light on " case of criminal tresspassing " what is it.
Rajeev 28 August 2015
Should i disclosed all matter in my court case or i have to stick only for encrochment
Rajeev 28 August 2015
Thanks to you sir ji , i have checked ase of criminal tresspassing on internet it is OK now. Please give me suggesstion on thease point, (a) can i go for permanet injuction ? (b) Should i disclosed all matter in my court case or i have to stick only for encrochment point.
naveenraj jain (proprietor) 28 August 2015
srinivas 01 September 2015