Vijayawada, Guntur, Telangana, Bangalore – I have encountered unpleasant experiences with the police. For example, once a writer misplaced my FIR, forcing me to file it again. Despite receiving intimidating vibes, like the feeling that "we will arrest you on Sunday," I am not afraid of them or their tactics. I openly criticize corrupt officers who take bribes and post about these issues on Facebook using hashtags like #BLRCP, #APDGP, #HyderabadPolice, #VijayawadaPolice, and #APHighcourts.
They all look like beat constables who look black with a tummy and bullying for bribes typos. I am not banned on FB. So, if they stay away from me, I'll do the same. I'm not at all scared of them.
I recently came across a viral video on YouTube showing inappropriate behavior by a police officer and mocked them on Facebook putting that video of police trying to blackmail female into seduction. I also critique international police on social media. Despite my provocative posts, my account has never been suspended, and my content has not been taken down. My question is: can they legally arrest me for these posts?