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Amtul Baseer Quadri (working)     29 November 2017

Only chid (daughter's) share in property

I am Muslim married women.  An only child of my parents. My both parents were earning but all the properties are in the name of my father. My mother died and my father got re-married but with no children further. He has already transfered all the monetray values (money) from my mother's account into his account. Now that, the property is also in his name and he has got re-married. What shall be my share in his property? and How the same can be divided?

Expecting a prompt reply.

Thanking in anticipation.

 1 Replies

srishti jain   20 July 2021

As per your query,

If a Muslim male dies leaving behind a widow and children, then the widow takes 1/8, and the residue (i.e., 7/8) goes to children. The daughter takes a share in the estate, of the deceased parent when there is no son, when once she takes 1/2: when two or more, all of them together take 2/3.

Hope it helps,



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