shyam 05 November 2015
Adv. Yogen Kakade (+ 91 9225510883) 06 November 2015
First of all, you sholud see whether the layout plan on which the plot number is shown is a sanctioned by the Town planning authorities or not.
Secondly, If it is sanctioned then have you attached the copy of the plan with the agreement while executing the Agreement.
And if the plan is not sanctioned then even mentioning th plot number doesn't make any sence.
Check whether the boundries and demarkation of the plot are mentioned property with full descripttion.
If your exact demarkated plot with number is not mentioned in the agreement, then it does not affect your ownership over the property but it can be challanged as undivided share in the total property.
And if you want to correct the things in the registered agreement, then you can always execute a Correction Deed for the same. It won't cost you much.
I hope this information is useful to you,
Adv. Yogen Kakade
shyam 06 November 2015