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Vasant Kumar (Lawyer)     02 April 2010

owership of two houses

What are the advantages/disadvantages of owning two houses in two different states in India? Can a tenant refuse to vacate one of the houses on the pretext that the owner is having another house in his name even though this other house is occupied by his married daughter and the old man wants to settle in his first house after retirement?


 3 Replies

piyush sharma (Lawyer)     02 April 2010

The rented premises can always be vacated on the ground that the land lord has the bonafide requirement .From the fact given by you it is clear that the land lord do not have house for its own dweling and therfore he can file a case or can take a plea for his own personal requirnment.. In this context I will further like to add that if there is some agreement subsists then its terms will prevail. So In light of above facts I am in the opinion that tannent can nt take that plea. As far as advantages is concern some are there in Income tax Act  but not otherwise..  

Devajyoti Barman (Advocate)     02 April 2010

Since the houise situates at different city , the landlord's claim for eviction of the tenanted property does not loose its force. The relevant point is whether in the same city the landlord has got another unencumbered property or not.

Suryanarayana Tangirala (Advocate)     02 April 2010

Land lord is the best judge to choose where he wants to live,tenant cannot dictate term to landlord,as the house are situated in two different cities(states) it will come in the way of eviction. even if such defence is taken by a tenant will not come to his rescue.

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