meera 29 December 2019
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 30 December 2019
Forget it. It is a crime only if you misuse/abuse your card and avail any benefits through such card. It is just an identity card.
Sankaranarayanan (Advocate) 04 January 2020
Aadhaar is the Authentic ID for Indian Citizens.The same individual can not obtain the second card .
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 07 January 2020
UIDAI had given the assurance that no individual can have multiple Aadhar card. The reason is very ​simple.
Aadhar card registration is based on biometrics of the individual. If the person tries to get registered at any other place his registration will be cancelled and he might be investigated by the authorities which he might not want.
UIDAI will cancel the duplicate registration and will inform about the the first registered application's acknowledgement.
If the Aadhar centre give the Aadhar number without taking the biometrics then only it's possible to have multiple aadhar card.
Technically it is possible to have multiple Aadhar Card issued if we rely of finger print and iris match. Finger prints are not that unique (Why your fingerprints may not be unique) and neither are iris. Scanning the huge records for finger print match and iris match for every new Aadhar entry will take a lot of time when you consider the amount of data required to be stored for India’s population.
However you may visit any aadhar issuing centre in the local and can follow the procedure for cancelling one of them.