Dear Friends, Basic Info - My land is in the outskirts of Chennai. DTCP approved plot. I have acquired the Chitta / Adangal and even patta in my name. Residential G+1 (normal building category) 1000sqft Ground floor and 1000sqft on first floor. Building plan drawing approved by panchayat (as thats the only authority to approve the building). Building has been completed as per drawing without deviations.
My question - Panchayat drawing approval says valid for 3 years. I have completed everything except Painting/UPVC Windows/Wooden Doors/Tiles. Theres only one month more for the said 3 years to expire. Will i get in trouble exceeding this period. Or dont have to worry because the superstructure is complete without deviation so painting & windows doesnt not matter legally ?
Is there any procedure to follow when you complete the building, because some Panchayats say thats all, after youve got the drawing theres no other completion formality ? Some say you only have to intimate them to assess the building for tax purpose. Will i be liable to be penalized for Painting/Windows/Wooden Doors/Tiles even though everything else is complete. Should i just shoot them an RPAD letter stating that i have completed the structure without deviation. At the most this delay might take 2-3 months. So will i get in trouble ? I mean nobodys watching there if i completed or not in that desolate area. Each panchayat says a different thing (i called a few), but all have said that theres no COMPLETION certificate of any kind. Just some said you can maybe apply for tax assessment thats all.