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Karma ^_^ (Director)     30 August 2013

Parents treat me

I'm independent girl 28yrs old, my parents treat me emotionally to get marry with the person they ll choose.


my parents treat me from childhood like Indian mentality where girl havn't any right to speak- to go out side alone or to wear jeans even and all other restriction.... due to this behavior I moved and I'm living in other city for my business from 5 years & parents are in hometown.


Before 2yrs my mother got ill & no-one(my father & brother) took her to the hospital, me & mom talk on ph daily- when I heard about her illness- I took her to the hospital and doctor diagnose her kidney failure, now she is on dialysis.. after 8 month I re-start my business.


but now mom wants me to marry with person she ll choose in our cast only. She told me if I choose guy myself then she will stop her dialysis and I'll responsible for the situation.... parents forced me on name of society -cast.



she told this things to all our relatives & my friends too and all ppl blame me - pressurize me... its unbearable now 

pls give me legal solution, under which Act- I can ask for my rights?


 6 Replies

A Blank Diary of Life (MD)     30 August 2013

@Karma, this is not the age, where you seek your rights instead of settling in your life with husband. A simple thing is being asked / wished by your mother. Since your mother might have felt that you are adament in not marrying with someone, who, she choose, she might have selected this way to get you married.

But, a sincere suggestion, you should marry now.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     30 August 2013

1. it is up to you wheather to marry you own choice or from your parents choice

2. by going to court for your rights you wont succeed may be you have a judgement copy that may say your rights 

3. alright say go for the match and see the guy and say you do not like 

4. like that if you can succeeded then you can make some matches are not suitable in mean time if you are able to find your guy to marry convince your family about him and marry 
5. without harassing both sides and also taking care of your mother is the best solution 

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@ author,

The solution to your query is only one " If your mother introduces with any guy of her choice and you don't like him then straight forwardly let him and his parents know that your mother is on treatment and she is pressurizing to marry with her choice rather than considering my will.So,If i would be married with you we won't be happy.So,plz call off this marriage without letting her know.Bcz she has threatened me that if I will not marry then she will stop Dylasis.

By this you would be full filing your mother's choice also and you can succeed in your will also.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     24 November 2013


I saw that you were trying to contact me over chat today (24.11.2013) but was unsuccessful.  What about your marriage, have you decided?, as a grown up and matured girl, you have all rights to choose your life whether married or independent; if your mother pesters you with a threaten to stop her medical treatment etc., you may convince her to the possible extent and if you still find that she is not to be convinced, just ignore her pleas and do whatever you have decided to do because you have a full life to live and you may have thousands of dreams, goals, desires etc., so there is no harm if do not pay heed to such sentimental issues. Go ahead as per your conscious.

Northern Queen (Manager)     22 December 2013

@ Karma - i know you made this post 3 months ago and i sincerely hope your issue is amicably resolved now.  

You have a right to make your own informed choices in life and that includes the right to choose whom you marry.  As for your parents, although they want the very best for you, they do not have the right to dictate to you or force you into something you are unhappy about.  You have proved you are an independent and respectable woman, and you also clearly care about their welfare by staying in touch frequently.  

I don't know how your mother's health is now, but i sincerely hope she is stable.  I understand all to well just how traumatic Kidney disease is because my own mother had it (although she wasn't suitable for Dialysis because she had other complicated health problems)  You cannot be blamed for her health or be emotionally blackmailed.  Just like you, your mother is entitled to make informed choices too and if she chooses to stop Dialysis because you won't marry her choice, then so be it - don't feel guilty.  Personally i think she is calling your bluff and won't stop her Dialysis. If you were my daughter, i would be very proud of you.  

I wish you peace and love, good luck and good health

Northern Queen (Manager)     22 December 2013

@ Karma - i know you made this post 3 months ago and i sincerely hope your issue is amicably resolved now.  

You have a right to make your own informed choices in life and that includes the right to choose whom you marry.  As for your parents, although they want the very best for you, they do not have the right to dictate to you or force you into something you are unhappy about.  You have proved you are an independent and respectable woman, and you also clearly care about their welfare by staying in touch frequently.  

I don't know how your mother's health is now, but i sincerely hope she is stable.  I understand all to well just how traumatic Kidney disease is because my own mother had it (although she wasn't suitable for Dialysis because she had other complicated health problems)  You cannot be blamed for her health or be emotionally blackmailed.  Just like you, your mother is entitled to make informed choices too and if she chooses to stop Dialysis because you won't marry her choice, then so be it - don't feel guilty.  Personally i think she is calling your bluff and won't stop her Dialysis. If you were my daughter, i would be very proud of you.  

I wish you peace and love, good luck and good health

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