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HARSH SHARMA (SERVICE)     17 November 2011

Parking charges - society's obligations ?

We have a OPEN PARKING system in out society and the society charges X amount monthly as parking charges.
Pls guide me on he following :
1) After collection of the said parking charges, what are the society's duties / obligations towards to car or the member whose vehicle is parked ?
2) Recently, my car was scratched on its exteriors. Can i stop my payment of parking charges under the reason that society is bound to provide protection to the vehicles ?



 1 Replies

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     17 November 2011

Society duty that society give a parking number all members who has pay parkign charge and arrange a security for that and any person/member not follow the rules of the society at that time society action against them and for your No. (2) query society arrenge a camera in parking place.

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