My grand father given the propery to his two daughters as equal right by registered gift deed. After his death out of four propertys two were seperated by oral partition as equal parts which are Agricultural lands. Remaining two of residential properties, one was taken by mother ext.4000 sq.yards which is far to village and another one was taken by my aunt ext.1500 sq.yards ( centre of the village).All these partitions made by Oral only. We constructed a house in that land 30 years back and staying there. 15 years back some excess land sold to othrs by my mother and they also constucted houses and staying. On the sale deeds signed by mother only. After my aunts death 20 years back her chidren sold the agr.lands. they only signed on that also. We have title deeds and continueing in revenue records ( Adangals). Now my cousins filed a suit for equal partition in the two Res. lands. Kindly suggest me how do protect my mother rights in this issue. what is the validity for the oral partitions.thanks