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Prabakaran (System Analysit)     17 July 2013

Partition problem(land) with in legal heirs

Hi , I will explain my status in current situation at first. My grand father bought a property in them life period. My dad is a only son for them.unfortunately my dad comes under the situation of 2 marriages due the imorral activity of first wife.I am a second wife son.first wife also have a son. at the time second marriage There is a settlement happened(in 1983) in below manner. total asset splitted in to 3 portions(A,B,C).

Portion A is alloted to grandpa and grandma. portion B is alloted to My dad. Portion C alloted to First wife and her son. Portion A will be splitted again once their(grandpa, grandma) life period.that will be goes equaly to first wife's son and my dad.

till now, there is no diverse happened with first wife. unfortuantely my dad passed away in road accident on last year.

so that, I bought a legal heir certificate with first wife and her son name.

Problem: By using that legal heir option, they are coming back to us to ask the partition in portion B.

Evedence we have now:

1. Partition document, with clearly mentioned that as happened due to not accpeting to live with my dad, and asked to give the settlement for them whole life. and clearly mentioned , first wife and her son should not come again to ask any portion other than alotted through this partition lead like that.

2. Found a unregistered will of my dad. he said in that, all alloted portion due to that partition lead should go to me and my mom. because he was live  his whole life period with us.


Question :

1. please suggest me the better way to procedd on this situation?

2. I checked with VAO for patta change, They said, i should prove the will in court. If i step in to court then, how much time(approximately) it will take to complete the process. opposite parties always ready to opposie this activity.









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