In case of a partition suit consisting of several legal heirs in the defendants -
1. what is considered as a closure of a partition case and winning it. is it after getting the final decree or getting it executed?
2.. what if there is No such doc existng for the ancestral land for which parttion is being requested and it is just a land from enjoyment for 50+yrs...
3. what if some of the defendant already tend to forcibly enjoy and reside in the property all by themselves. can final decree be used to get police involved and vacated.or any sort of eviction petition to be filed in addtion?
4. can sale be done by the party using the final decree showing a share of partition belong to him'
5. is it true that parititon suit can run for 10+yrs even in this world of judicial rehaul. if yes, under what circumstnces can t be dragged and how to prevent it as a plaint. or is this long delay just a misconception.
6. is a succession certificate must to validate a WILL @court of law, that a defendant claim to have gotten?
7. if advocate commissioner is requestd after a prelimary decree, does the person requesting and his advocate to be present on day of inpsection?
8. what if a defendant residing n the property forciblely declines to allow a advocate commissioner to inspect the property which is part of the suit.. can police be invovled in such case.