One of my client has brought a partnership deep which is executed on 13.03.2016 but the stamp paper is dated 15.03.2016. Is this a valid agreement? If not, how do we handle this as the banker is questioning this
Shivakumar 28 October 2018
One of my client has brought a partnership deep which is executed on 13.03.2016 but the stamp paper is dated 15.03.2016. Is this a valid agreement? If not, how do we handle this as the banker is questioning this
Shashi Dhara 28 October 2018
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 28 October 2018
The date of purchase of stamp paer is 15-03-2016 and the execution is 13-03-2016. Without purchasing the stamp paper how can it be executed. It will be treated as no stamp duty paid on the deed. The Collector under Indian Stamp Act, has power to collect the deficit stamp duty and if necessary with penality.
Shivakumar 28 October 2018
Thanks for the reply sir. Do you have a soulution for this situation? If Yes, please help me with it
manoj 29 October 2018
The said partnership deed is invalid since the date of commencing the bussiness can be written in body of partnership deed beyond stamp paper date stating that the business of firm commence on 13-03-2016 as orally, all the partners desire to terms be in writing so the said partnership deed is executed on 15-03-2016. but the stamp paper beyond its date cannot be valid. All the partners in the firm can execute contract to the contrary the date of businesss will commence from 15-03-2016.
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