P. Venu (Advocate) 19 August 2018
What are the facts? What is the issue?
ABHIJIT DATTA 19 August 2018
ABHIJIT DATTA 19 August 2018
P. Venu (Advocate) 19 August 2018
You may make a representation/statutory appeal and seek judicial review, if so advised.
ABHIJIT DATTA 19 August 2018
Dr J C Vashista (Advocate) 20 August 2018
Since the appointment of a School Teacher is governed by State Education Act and Rules, which may or may not be applicable in the appointment of lecturer of a college since you did not mention whether both the appointments are through State Public Service Commission or direct recruitment.
You did not mention whether you have applied for the new appointment after seeking permission (NOC) from HoD of the School i.e., through proper channel and you were permitted to switch over to college appointment. Besides this, whether both the School and College are government run/aided or private.
Experts on this club come from all over India whereas GO asked by you pertain to West Bengal government order which may be procured from Directorate of Eduction, WB or local lawyer(s) practicing service matters but should not expect for all and sundry.
P. Venu (Advocate) 20 August 2018
The requisite information and could be sought from the authorities themselves under the provisions of the RTI Act.
ABHIJIT DATTA 20 August 2018