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shiv mohan gulati (member)     26 December 2011

Payment of advolerm court fee

Whether in a suit for recovery of damages either for defamation and harassment or for malacious prosecution, the plaintiff would have to pay ad-volerum court fee on the amount assessed as damages or the plaintiff can pay tentative court fee and would be liable to pay court fee on the actually assessed damages by the court while awarding a decree in his favour.  Please advise with latest citation in this regard. I shall be highly obliged for providing me the necessary clues. 


 1 Replies

VINAYAGAMOORTHY (Chief Executive Officer)     18 January 2012

when thcause of action is for a major relief and an ancillary relief is subordinate to or arising out of main relief is subordinate to or arising out of main relief the plaint shall be chargeble only on the value of the main relief .[panjapandavamalai majid vsstate of tamilnadu]1974(2)MLJ163(DB)

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