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deb (others)     08 February 2012

Pendentilite allimony will get or not get

respected all,

Divorce suit filed by husband,  wife filed u/s24--  court allow pendentilite allimony u/s 24 for child only,  later on  husband got experty  divorce  degree which did not contain any direction of allimony or maintenance, wife filed a praying set-aside this divorce degree(experty) with in a month,  the misc. case is pending...

1.   under this circumstances  wife filed mat. exection case to recovery   arrer pendentilite allimony after divorce month(14/12/2008) to this month(6/9/2011)  and mentioned  that arising from AND in the second day(S/R+acknowlegment=copy service day) wife filed a petitiion praying civil jail as husband did not comply the court order(did not given arrer pendentilite after experty divorce)

  a)will get arrer pendentilite or not  on this circustances?

b) what shall i take steps?

c) is it applicable under law that civil jail on the basis of above  circumstances ? is the step of wife correct or incorrect according law? if incorrect what step(s) shall i take against wife?

pl suggest me as soon as possible


 13 Replies

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     08 February 2012

 pendentelite order  ends  with  the main petitions being  disposed off,  there is no  legal obligation to  comply with  the order  for maintenance  pendentelite ,  how  ever if  the  wifes  petition for  setting aside  expartey  divorce , is allowed , the  maintenance  order   also will  be  revived .     

Chaitanya_Lawyer_Mumbai (Lawyer)     08 February 2012

File reply to her that interim maintenance in not payable once main petition is disposed off.

deb (others)     08 February 2012

very many thanks to Panday ji and Chaytanya ji.

next date of this case will come in the month of march 2012.

i will take the steps.

For praying "civil jail " by wife in  the above matter  is there any law to apply agains wife for her education?

Chaitanya_Lawyer_Mumbai (Lawyer)     09 February 2012

She can pray whatever she want,it will not be granted by the court. 

deb (others)     09 February 2012

pl suggest me how can i  teach that wife?

that means "what legal steps are available  against that wife  accordfing to law?"

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     10 February 2012

 it is for  yhe  wife  to initiate  recovery proceeding, you need not  do  anything ,  however  arrearsaccrued   before  dismissal of  matrimonial  case  can be  well claimed through  recovery 

deb (others)     10 February 2012

panday sir pl clear what do you speeks?

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     11 February 2012

arrears till the  dimissal of the  case is  payble 

deb (others)     12 February 2012

respected members,

arrear till dismissisal of case means---- 1) till the dosposal of  misc. case(praying for set-aside of experty divorce decree)  


2) till the disposed of main  matrimonial suit( i.e. upto experty divorce decree)

pl suggest me as early as possible.

Chaitanya_Lawyer_Mumbai (Lawyer)     13 February 2012

Arrears till disposal of main matrimonial suit upto ex-parte divorce decree is payable.

deb (others)     13 February 2012

thanks to all

U R ANANDAKRISHNAN (Retired)     11 December 2013

interim maintenance was allowed to the child only - could be u/s 26 - s.24 applicable to spouse only. payment of Interim maintenance to child should be continued till the child attains majority.

In case interim maintenance is allowed to wife, entire arrears up to the date of the ex parte decree should be paid. In case the ex-parte  decree is set aside, fresh interim maintenance order should be secured by wife for the post restoration period. There is no automatic revival/restoration of interim maintenance order u/s 24 on reversal of the divorce decree. Restoration of  interim maintenance u/s 24 shall be by an express order that alone could be executed for the post restoration period and the previous order can not be executed for the post restoration period.

There is a misconception, even among leading lawyers that interim maintenance order passed during the pendency of the original divorce proceeding stand automatically revived/restored on reversal of the divorce decree. This is not true. The spouse eligible for interim maintenance shall submit a fresh application u/s 24 or pray restoration of the earlier order. The court would pass an appropriate order after giving an opportunity to be heard to the opposite party.

Restoration of a case after dismissal for default and restoration of the case after reversal of the divorce decree is entirely different. In case of the later interim maintenance order does not survive and fresh order has to be necessarily passed buy the Court either suo moto or on application

Awareness about this provision need to be created amongst the litigants.

U R ANANDAKRISHNAN (Retired)     11 December 2013

Fresh application for interim maintenance u/s 24 is maintainable during the pendency of the proceedings to set aside the ex parte decree which could be valid till the final disposal of the case in case ex -parte decree is set aside. In any case previous order u/s 24 is not valid for the period beyond the date of the ex -parte decree unless it is restored/renewed by an express order

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