i would like to know that who shall be held responsible for the pending society dues (of almost 7.5 lacs) when the owner of the property is no more and his his relatives are not interested in taking the possession/responsibility of the property whatsoever?
since the owner has expired, his sons did not pay the required attention to their responsibilities towards the society including paying dues etc. and now the bank has sealed the property for futher auction/sale.
Now, here i would like to know who will be hold responsible to pay these pending society dues - expired owner?, his sons who care a damn about his fathers property? or the prospective buyer?
what if the society issues NOC to the new buyer without discussing or resolving the issue of pending society dues? (then i think society cant force new purchaser to pay pending dues of previous owner anytime in the future because they issued the NOC!!)
second thing that i want to know whether or not society would negotiate with the prospective buyer to settle the pending dues by the previous owner at some agreed cost - like half of the dues or at some percentage for mutual benefit of the society and the new buyer...?
under what act and section is it mentioned that the pending society dues shall be recovered from the prospective/new buyer? is there anything mentioned under any section of the act reated to this?
i would appreciate if some1 please advise me on this...
i await your responses. many thanks.