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FightForCause (Businessman)     03 June 2015

Permanent alimony

Hi Experts,

I read Judge gives you an option either to pay a lumpsum amount as alimony or pay monthly ..Is this correct understanding.?

I have Divorce case gowing on and as my wife is working and deserted me , I am hopeful she will not get any alimony. But as my daughter is with her , I may have to pay for her.

Monthly maintenance will work for me as this will keep a pressure on wife to not stop visitation of child.

My wife adamant of one time payment, can Judge act as per her wish or will give me a choice.?



 9 Replies

Born Fighter (xxx)     03 June 2015

Court does not interfere with alimony payments and cannot force you to pay one time payment. Its your capability and choice whether you are comfortable paying one time alimony. Also your beloved wife has to accept the quantum you want to offer

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FightForCause (Businessman)     03 June 2015

Hi Born Fighter,

What do u mean by Court does not interfere with alimony payments., is it not courts who award these.

Can u explain it clearly. Sorry if that too simple to understand, but i did not get it.

Born Fighter (xxx)     03 June 2015

Alimony (one time settlement amount) and monthly maintenance are too different things. Court will decide the maintenance amount based on merits, not alimony amount

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FightForCause (Businessman)     03 June 2015

Thanks for Clarification.

So may be i mixed up alimony and maintenance.

Who decides whether i pay one time maintenance or monthly?

Born Fighter (xxx)     03 June 2015

Pls go through forum where you will find answers to all your questions from learned members/lawyers. All the Best !


Mr.Fight for Cause,

U have been posting similar queries since a long time as if UR are the victim,clarify.

FightForCause (Businessman)     03 June 2015

Yes Sainath Ji,

I am a victim of these ill written laws which are totally in favour of women.

I have been harassed by DV , 498a  , Divorce package.

DV is closed, 498a about to be completed.

After fighting in DV tooth and nail for 3 years and cornering her , when she saw she is about to loose the case as Judge bluntly told her advocate that none of allegations till now have been proved she withdrew the case.

She is making request of compromise in monetory terms and i am evaluating the process as currently i am in no mood to feed the greed of my wife after destroying my life.

My passport is impounded and my wife in these 3 years was outside India for 1.5 yrs.





richardjohnson   03 June 2015

Originally posted by : Born Fighter
Court does not interfere with alimony payments and cannot force you to pay one time payment. Its your capability and choice whether you are comfortable paying one time alimony. Also your beloved wife has to accept the quantum you want to offer

I agree with you. Court cannot force or give the decision according to wife wish.


I fully agree for the turbulated life U have experienced,but keeping on changing the threads coufuses us. 

As most of the laws are female oriented the males have to extra careful in dealing even with heir better halfs as UR story suggests.

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