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Linson James (Service)     13 August 2012

Permission/noc for higher education - citation

I'm employed in a central govt. autonomous PSU. I have joined a three-year technical diploma course (part-time). I don't belong to the technical cadre though, I work for the administration. The course class timings coincides with the time of duty that obviously results in loss of classes and academic attendance (attendance is mandatory for the course). I had the department intimated before applying the course asking for an experience certificate, which was issued and the same enabled me for the admission. Can I avail permission with time-off for pursuing (higher) education provided that no dislocation of works occurs or efficiency/productivity is affected? I understand my authority is ready for the same if there is a legal provision. Is there any reference cited in any manual/rules & regulations/circular that can be quoted valid? Any help/information is appreciated. Thanks.

 6 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 August 2012

as long as controlling authrities are convinced that there is no dtriment to work, you permission continues, if you have got.

1 Like

Linson James (Service)     26 August 2012

Thank you for your reply. The authorities are infact convinced. But what of any reference/citings on permission for education while in service. And I have not yet obtained the permission as such.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     26 August 2012

No need of citation.  If you  have not obtained permissin you are liable fo disciplinary action.


You will nto be able to add this qualification in service and you will also nto be able to apply for any post through deptt on the basis of this qualification.


Mere fact taht your immeidate supervising boss is allowing you to leave early that does not mean that the competent authority has allowed you to prusue the study.

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Linson James (Service)     29 August 2012

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am aware of the ill-effects of not obtaining a NOC, and the fact that the boss himself is no ultimate authority to grant the permission. But again, his support is still vital, as I need to route the request for permission/NOC through him. It is not that I'm thinking of pursuing the course without obtaining one, but just that it could be easier for me to obtain it by quoting/submitting all necessary and relevant documents, references.

Linson James (Service)     29 August 2012

So to mention why I ask for a citation is, I did see a few other departments having this very subject on permission and noc for education/higher studies included in their manuals and its conditions etc etc. Obviously, I was looking for the same in ours but couldn't find any. I was wondering if this was referred in any of Swamy's Handbook or any reference manuals of that kind :) But now that I read your advice, I shall move in a general way on the 'subject'. Thank you.

ASHU TIWARI   24 September 2017

is there any necessity to take permission to right examination of the distance course in which taken admission before taking entry to governmet service


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