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Sailesh Sarmah (Advocate)     29 June 2012

Phd research topic

Dear members!

I've enrolled for as P.Hd. Research Scholar and am looking for Research Topic Ideas.

Currently I'm thinking of topic relating to Education & Law (eg.. RTE & Its impact ... etc). Better suggestions are always welcome.

Any Topic relating to Any field of law is welcome..

Kindly share your ideas. it'll help me immensely.

Thank You

Adv Sailesh

 3 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     30 June 2012

"Laws on Sex Change; Need of the Hour"

Reason given on considering it as Phd topic:

1. Sex change is something, which has not received a public eye and has been far from any active debate in our country.

2. There is absence of any competent legislation on the same issue in our Country.

3. We have burgeoning transs*xual populations and their voice is always unheard of.

4. The scenario prevailing internationally is much different from the one prevailing in our country. Several countries have already enacted laws to regulate the issues concerning transs*xuals.
5. Respect in Media and legislative select committees you will receive as the only ‘Subject Expert’.
6. International exposure via conclaves and conference invitation read with talk shows vis-à-vis Indian context.
7. LGBT community in
have decent amount of money to pay to subject expert when they have brush with current law!
Amount of controversy within it will generate if chosen as research topic

Sailesh Sarmah (Advocate)     02 July 2012

Dear Rajeev Rakheja Ji!!

Thanks for the idea. It Idea seems a fair on the current scenerio. I liked your contentions 1 & 4.

5 to 8 were good & motivating. These made me laugh. But anyways its also a part of life and hard hitting reality.

Thank you once again



Sailesh Sarmah (Advocate)     07 July 2012

Dear Fellow Advocate Friends!!!

I'm looking for ideas ...Kindly help!!!

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