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windowsxp   14 July 2016

Photo proof denied as fake

Dear sir/madam, Need clarification, I hav submitted photos of smoking, drinking as proof wid soft copies cd to court during my evidence.. During crossing her lawyer questioned me those photos r fake I said no, those pics r genuine.. Now when lawyer crossed my wife she is not admitting as real she is telling they r morphed.. My question is how judge consider this? Neither judge nor her lawyer asked for forensic test as my wife nd lawyer know they r genuine pics but they r not admitting as real.. Crossing was closed I'm little worried do judge consider them as real r not? we submitted both soft nd hard copies.. Regards, Srinivas


 8 Replies

Sood   15 July 2016

What ur lawyer is doing.... just think whether if ur wife will admit that photos are fake??? Go ahead with forensic and get the reports before argument...if u can send me copy of plaint and cross

windowsxp   15 July 2016

I asked my lawyer he himself asking my wife, we submitted photos along wid cd from six months back y u didn't gone for test r raised issue... I'm worried whether me has to ask judge for forensic test or my lawyer or judge himself order for forensic test?? Judge gave date for next month for arguments, wht should be done now, how long it take to get forensic test??

windowsxp   15 July 2016

I asked my lawyer he himself asking my wife, we submitted photos along wid cd from six months back y u didn't gone for test r raised issue... I'm worried whether me has to ask judge for forensic test or my lawyer or judge himself order for forensic test?? Judge gave date for next month for arguments, wht should be done now, how long it take to get forensic test??

Mukesh sharma (job )     15 July 2016

Hi when you submitt your photo and in cross examination their your wife lawyer said all fake than your lawyer what is doing could he not mention their its all orignal and if they have dought than they demand for check to expert 

what thay have not do it and your lawyer  not ask nay question in cross exam 

its mean your lawyer meet with other party lawyer 

thats not fare so you now change your lawyer and file for cross exam again 


Sandhya Srinivas (Advocate & Legal consultant)     16 July 2016

As you have produced both hard and soft copy of photos and got marked in your evidence.Even she has denied those photos. The burden of proof will be on her to prove that those documents are false and fabricated.

If she is into regular habit of smoking and drinking, you can file an application for appointment of doctor for medical test and submit report on her smoking and drinking habit.

Sandhya Srinivas (Advocate & Legal consultant)     16 July 2016

As you have produced both hard and soft copy of photos and got marked in your evidence.Even she has denied those photos. The burden of proof will be on her to prove that those documents are false and fabricated.

If she is into regular habit of smoking and drinking, you can file an application for appointment of doctor for her medical test and submit report on her smoking and drinking habit.

A walk alone (-)     16 July 2016

when you submit photo and in cross examination their your wife lawyer said all fake than why dnt your lawyer mention all photos all original and if they have doubt than they can demand for forensics test? It may possible he may bribe or mix by opposite party. Be aware. On next hearing your lawyer should oppose her and ask court for forensic test.

windowsxp   18 July 2016

I heard forensic test will take 6 months to one year, and crossing got closed, when submitted soft nd hard copies if they r fake she has to request for forensic test but she is not doing that, so court consider they as genuine right??

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