help yourself by taking her to a psychiatrist. she has some mental issues.. never think of giving her gold or diamond.. dont try to have a kid now.. be ready because you dont know whether tomorrow she will foist cases on you or your family.
start recording her actions on both video and audio if possible. if she is biting you or doing some other physical things, better go to a doctor and get a medical report. keep these things handy.. You dont know when all these things will keep handy.
if you may want to divorce her at a later stage, all these evidences will help you.. Never think that she loves you and she will not do anything against yu because then you are not ready if something bad happens.. Your wife seems to be a classic example of some sort of illness. Try to get her medical treatment and try to make her understand with love - if she is a nice lady she will understand and will be a part of the process to get healed. If she is a shakki woman - well then the story is different