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rajat (Sr. network engineer)     17 June 2013

Physical possesion before registration

Hello All,


I just want to know that is it legal to take the physial possesion of property before registration.

In case i have made all the payments requted to the builder and only the property reg. is due ,can i not take physical possesion of property?

Also is there a stipulated time i need to gt the propert registered after i take physicalpossesion?



 3 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 June 2013

If builder permits you, you can occupy the possession.Documents  work can be done later.

rajat (Sr. network engineer)     17 June 2013

hello sir,

if builder says that " we do not offer you physical possesion till you get it registered,is that legal?"

i beleive registration can be done later whenerver i want as i have paid all the amount to builder what he required,registration is my own will do it now or later?

is that true?

please advice

prakharved (Medical officer)     26 June 2013



You are mistaken. Registration of the property that is bought is madatory for registration. Registration is to be done within 4 months of the sale of the property as per the ruling of the Honourable Supreme Court. If not then you would have to pay a fine. Also as long as the property is not registered in your name, the property would still belong to the builder as there is not legal proof of your ownership. 


You should talk to a lawyer to consult on how to get your house registered. You could also use this very helpful website to get help. Log on to to get detailed written replies to all your legal queries, from practising lawyers. You can also get all your documents made from this website. Being online it is very convenient. 



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