RKP (self) 17 January 2010
K.K.Malhotra (Chairman) 18 January 2010
u can initiate civil proceedings by filing a suit for injunction against the sociiety and residents wh are causing nuisance to get the samre stoped..
RKP (self) 18 January 2010
Guest (Guest) 08 February 2010
You should file a complaint on grounds of "Nuisance" in a local police station and they will come and give them a warning. If the children are causing nuisance, and if the parents support them, they are also held liable for the nuisance.
RKP (self) 08 February 2010
Thanks KK Malhotra and Venkatesh for the suggestions.
Balkrishna Chavan (attorney) 11 February 2010
Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior) 27 February 2010
cricket and football are not indoor games. the nuisance problem effects every resident of ur flat. It is the duty of parent to control their children. pl gather atleast 10 members who r effected like you and submit representation to the society to stop the nuisance(i think ur society bylaws does not permit such type of games). if the society fails to take any action u can file injunction suit against the socity and the persons in the civil court.
Anil Agrawal (Retired) 01 March 2010
The Managing Committee suggests to the meeting of the general body the games to be allowed to be played in the compound of the society. It is for the General Body, considering all the factors, to decide the kinds of games that should be allowed to be played. The decision cannot be detrimental to the general interests of the members. If it does, complain to the Dy. Registrar of your Ward.
vivian (Boss) 02 April 2011
What are the laws about playing cricket on the public roads? My car was recently damaged due to this nuisance (more details here -https://www.lawyersclubindia.com/forum/Car-damages-due-to-cricket-ball-34565.asp).
When I confronted these men who were playing cricket they simply told me that it has happened and I should leave it alone. What can I do about this situation?
Aditya 04 May 2016
Neha Gore 20 July 2016
RKP (self) 20 July 2016
We had again given a notice and it had settled that time.
Sridevi V 20 September 2016
Bangalore doesnt have the concept of co-op housing society. So how does one go about this issue here in Bangalore? We have had a series of accidents due to the football menace and the parents of the kids are defending the kids saying they dont have anywhere else to play and that they are stressed. They football is played near the swimming pool area which is next to the club house. These parents even go to the extent of advising others to be careful and avoid the usage of club house or nearby area when football is played.
Please let me know what legal options we have as the adults themselves are indifferent to the grave danger that the residents are unnecessarily subjected to, leave aside the risk of damage to the property.
RKP (self) 20 September 2016
Like all other cities even Bangalore does have concept of housing society and apartment association. However those laws are not as strong and not as evolved as in Mumbai.
Main thing here in bangalore is the clauses mentioned in sale deed.
It should be mentioned in your sale deed something like not to play outdoor games inside apartment premises at undesignated places, to not cause any inconvenience to neighbours etc.
This is your strong point to complaint at police and also at registrar office.
Those trouble mongers have signed on the sale deed and so they have to abide by it and they cannot breach it.
Those trouble mongers will try to remove those points in society byelaws to suit them. But such removals is illegal.
Note that one police complaint will straighten such trouble mongers who buy a flat but behave as if they have bought entire apartment.
Try it.
Sridevi V 21 September 2016
Thank you RKP. I hope the issue is resolved without going to this extreme step. But it is always better to know what options we have in case the problem goes out of hand. Also better to make everyone aware of such a provision in law, in case someone, who is badly injured due to these sports, decides to go the legal route.