hi, i am vikash agarwal and we are a family of six members and my father is such a guy whose has nothing to do with family from the ver beggining as i have seen from the starting, he kept on selling house, land and things to just loose in his stupidious act in business and thats why we( 3 brother and 1 sister) aren't able to purse our carrer in engineering or in college thats why we have just completed high school as he denied to pay fee because he didn't have faith in us, he keep taunting to us that he will never wanted to be feeled like begger in front of us by askiing for money from us and again n again we try to make him reliase that we are his family but i don't know what's going on in his mind. now he is selling each and everything in pieces just to rung his business and he just took the loan too and he denies to pay emi's of the bank too, not even a single piece of land is in the name of my brothers or sister please do something as i am loosing my mind as i was once got so depressed that i had sucidial tedency and got insomaniac too. plase guide me how to handle him and take our's which is rightlyfully ours?
he once told me the things he created like property goes with him and he has nothing to do with us.
if you want then i will attach you phone conversation b/w us where he disconnects the call whenever we ask him how much se sold and to whom and what he will do with this money.