I am 42 years old Mumbai resident married for 20 years now. I have a 18 year old son. . About 5 years back, i discovered that my wife had an extra marital affair with a relative of hers for the past 14 years. She accepted and then left my home for 10 months and stayed at her parents' house. During that time, i approached lawyers and sent her notice which she and her family avoided. Then she begged and pleaded and forced her way back into my house. Wev accepted her thinking it will be better for my son. But, she continued with her affair and fooled us for 4 years saying we will get divorced mutually. Now, 10 months back, i have filed for divorce on grounds of mental torture and adultery. She reuses to give divorce and in return has filed an application for DV against me and my mother. My parents have no role to play in this as they have been very good in-laws to her these 20 years. My son has suffered the most, he has failed twice, has developed many insecurities and complexes owing to the ugly situation at home and is ashamed of his mother's misdoings. It is a very long procedure in court, difficult to get dates which my wife avoids and delays. The judge has ordered for mediation. Please suggest if this case can be settled out of court through mediation. How can i get free from this woman who is torturing my family and me for 5 years now. She even practices black magic and wicca. I want to settle this case as soon as possible . My parents' health is deteriorating owing to extreme stress at home. I and my family are willing to give alimony(even if Mumbai/maharashtra govt has decided no alimony for adulterous women). She is still insisting on reconciliation and not willing to give divorce as she wants to continue living in our house and enjoy all facilities and perks. During the past 3 years, i met a lady(divorcee) ad am involved with her. She comes from a good family and we both want to be married. What do you suggest? Should we try and insist on settling the case through mediation. Or fight this case in court and try to prove her adultery? My wife's parents have not responded to my and my parent's calls wanting intervention. Till, now they have not even appeared in family court hearings. They also live in mumbai and are rich and affluent. Should we insist on calling them to meet the mediator What do you suggest Experts?