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Kabir Singh   31 March 2019

Please help me as i am badly fabricated in false case.

I got married in Nov-2017. Soon after marriage we went to honey-moon where my wife started making trouble to me when i tried to buy some medicine for my parents. She also created chaos when i tried to give my clothes (Gifted by my wife to me ) to my father also she kept pressurising me to send my parents back to my home-town as i am the only earning member in my family. My In-laws are in the profession of lawyer and police. In the month of June-2018 my in-laws came to my residence and gave me last option to either ask my parents to stay at my home-town OR they will take my wife with them back to their home-town. At the same time i was requesting them i want to keep both my parents and my wife with me as both are my responsibility. but my In-laws was not convinced with me and they finally left my residence with my wife and after 10-15 days they have filed a false case with IPCs like 498a, 307 and 3/4 they also produced some fake doctor prescripttion to support their 307 and 498a IPC. Now i am confused what to do. I think i have been a victim of 498-A terror. Although i used to support this 498A earlier as this IPC is the only panacea to support helpless females on which atrocities are being done across India but due to mis-fortune i have been trapped in this. I do not know what to do now. Should i stay calm and have faith in Indian law or i need to do something. I am bitterly confused. I do not want to raise a finger towards 498a and 307 as they were created for good in the society but this is being misused by some selfish people for their personal interest. Please help me what to do.

 4 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     01 April 2019

Nothing to panic, that's part of life. You'll have to face prosecution where the onus to prove you guilty is entirely on prosecution, mere bring medical certificate from some doctor will not be enough entire evidence that led to the situation lead to attempt to commit suicide will be required to show your guilt. The medical records of The victim from the hospital that show actually an attempt to commit suicide existed and actual reason behind that attempt. A.lot of ground work will be required by prosecution to get conviction order against you and you too have evidence to show your defense. If you need detailed legal consultancy you may contact me for charged legal consultancy.

Kishor Mehta (CEO)     01 April 2019

If an FIR is framed you had better apply for an anticipatory bail, subsequently prepare to defend yourself. That is the best course open to you.

Kabir Singh   01 April 2019

@Om Prakash.. Sir what to do in that case ?

Sugar Daddy   02 April 2019

you must have had any evidence ? First of all don't ever compromise in any counselling such in writing saying you won't do this or that in future. Strongly deny any such allegation. for medical certificate that also can be challenged in court mere medical certificate won't prove anything but still don't take it lightly. moreover try to investigate about that medical certificate which doctor or hospital issued it. if its false you can use it back against them for providing false evidence. dont be afraid of police or any lawyer keep cool ok. my wife s brother is IS officer and he couldn't do sh*t to me in any 498a DV cases. what evidence did they produce for 498a?? take anticipatory if FIR is filled and man consult a good lawyer

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