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Rakesh ggg (Agriclture)     28 October 2012

Please help me out with your valuable suggestions

Dear Sir,


Actually i had applied RCR in the month of  Novemeber  2011 and later on she filed objection in  the month of August (Approximately after 9 months ) at the same time she  had filed 498a case against me and my family  and i was in jail for a day.

Now can i apply for divorce based on 498a case..Will i get divorce if  the  case 498a   which they filed is False.

But our  lawyer says we will continue with RCR  and get the RCR decree and later on will file the divorce case based on 498a and  RCR.We are sure she wont come but still dont like to take chance.

But some other lawyer says withdraw the RCR and file for divorce as we have not taken any dowry nor harrased her.


Please send us your valuable sugestions



 5 Replies

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     28 October 2012

No now fight RCR this is very helpful to you in 498A dont withdraw not your advocate is right, you can apply for divorce after winning 498A and also after 498a wife will surely wont come so you can easily win RCR,

if you withdraw RCR now then it is act of cruelty that youdont want to live with your wife and you may harrased her that why she file 498a now you chances of winning RCr is 100% so dont withdraw and also now it is on end means decision come soon so win it

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     28 October 2012

Your lawyer is right.

Rakesh ggg (Agriclture)     28 October 2012

But in case if she comes back  agian  to give us the problem what should we do and also can i get the divorce on false  498 a case.

Rakesh ggg (Agriclture)     28 October 2012

if the 498 a case is proved to be false in court  will i definitely get the divorce

rajiv_lodha (zz)     28 October 2012

Nothing is 100% u know

U may withdraw RCR stating that she has put 498a upon me with false criminal allegations, it amounted to utmost i do not want to persue my RCR case

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