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mohd nafees (hij)     24 April 2013

Please help me please

My wife is living sepreatly more than 4 years in her parental home bhopal and i am living in Kanpur.I have taken all efforts to come back at Kanpur by self,phones n letters but she did'nt come and when last time in Dec 2012 i went her home she abused me and her parents too and said get lost from here if u want to live so leave your parents and live in wife said i cant live in kanpur because its so dirty city and peoples too.After that now she filed a maintanance under Crpc 125 in bhopal district court while she is a qualified woman n high living status n doing job in privious in private sector.I m so mentally harrase by her and getting so depressed.Many times i think to suicide even i am jobless and getting unemployed allownce from Uttar Pradesh government.

my question is:-

1.can i give her Talaq(divorce) as a muslim sharih law called Talaq e sunnat "Ahsan" in written? there any effect this maintanance case?

3.if husband is unemployed and he prove this wife is qualified and was doing job after marrige so under maintanance minimum wages act how much i have to pay?

 1 Replies

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     24 April 2013


Dear Querist


my question is:-

1.can i give her Talaq(divorce) as a muslim sharih law called Talaq e sunnat "Ahsan" in written?

its depend on you, as per sharih, you have right to send a talaq nama to her after pronouce before the witnesses. there any effect this maintanance case?

no there is no effect upon maintenance case


3.if husband is unemployed and he prove this wife is qualified and was doing job after marrige so under maintanance minimum wages act how much i have to pay?


no, if you prove that she is able to maintain herself then the court shall not pass an order against you.


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