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Please help me to save my Family

Page no : 2 (def)     23 June 2011

@ghosh! You say that ur wife is influenced by her parents & if she goes to them 4 a single day, she is brainwashed...

Come on dude, she is not a child.... she is now mother of a child besides a responsible wife.... If she is so spoon fed then OPEN UR EYES. Ur life wont b left easy by ur in-laws.... dont be dumb & shed tears 4 ur daughter.... her life too will be spoiled if she is reared in such a disgusting enviornment.

Prepare ur mind 2 get divorce, collect proofs as suggested by the member..... if u fight smartly u wil be able to get ur daughter too less ur wife.

2 Like

Melancholy (Team Lead)     27 June 2011

Hi This is further extension of my previous explained matter,


this is so ovious now that if i want to liv the way i want to court case is a must now..

Please advise me how to put my perents away from this case , my father is heart petient and bloode sugar is very high presently he is under observation as his eye sight is effecting for the bloode sugar. He is not able to see or read anything 4-5 feet away from him.


I got some advise from other sources as followes:

1. Disown myself from perents legalley.

2. Anicepatory bail ( in case of 498a).

3. Written police complaint in local police station , stateing that "I am suspecting a 498a pela agains me any time" and signed by sho or supirior . Keeping a copy of the same at all time.

4. Inform office HR dept about the same.

Melancholy (Team Lead)     29 June 2011


Can anyone please reply to my above query..

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