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rajan (sfsdg)     22 June 2009

please help on property dispute

My great grandma gifted the house to my grandma. my grandma have 9 children(5 women and 4 men) but my grandma(died) does not transfer the property to any children


Now I want to ask a question

1) Whether this property belong to each and every children or only for female child 




 4 Replies

Gautam Roy (Consultant)     23 June 2009

Yes all the members of the family totalling 9 will  be equal share holder

Meenakshi Vijayanand (Advocate / Law Firm)     24 June 2009

All 9 children will have equal share in the property ie. 1/9th each

BISWAJIT ROY (ADVOCATE)     24 June 2009

all 9 are equal share holder. if any of them died then their legal hairs are also share holder of the said property

Anil Kumar-Advocate (PRACTICE AS LAWYER/ADVOCATE)     30 June 2009

In the Ranjans' matter, I feel that every one has responded halfheartedly. What I propose to all consultants and Advocates that while furnishing reply- it should be based on presumption that if any claimaints try to oust Mr. Ranjan  or Mr. Ranjan has prepared to oust other claimant - In that state of affair  the legal status of Grandmother , role of the custodian of property in question should be brought into light as per Transfer of Properties Act  and  elaborated in detail. Thus ,what will happen afterward that no other lawyers or Mr. Rajan  shall be eligible to mishandle the case for the sake of money/property - because facts and act will rule the Court of law.

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