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ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     19 February 2015

Please qive question for cross

since after sending summons/notices and warrant contineously for one year my wife is appearing for her statements, this is possible only when her arrest warrant issued to deposit bail amount for 5000 Rs for her mother father and herself and still she cant appear then here evidence will be closed. now i am giving you the FIR as :

eSa orZeku es vius ek;ds ek/ko uxj esa jg jgh gWwA eSuas vius ifr vehr ds

fo:} LogLrk{kfjr ,d fQrk fyf[kr vkosnu ngst ds fy;s “kkjhfjd ,oa

ekufld :i ls izrkfM+r djus ckcr~ is”k fd;k gS vkosnu dh udy fuEu gSaA

izfr Jheku~ iqfyl v/kh{kd egksn; Hkksiky vuqjks/k gS fd eSa vkosfndk ek/ko uxj ftyk ukxiqj dh fuoklh gSAesjk fookg 11A12A08 dks Jh vehr ls ek/ko uxj esa lEiUu gqvk blds ckn vehr eq>s lh/ks Hkksiky ys vk;s vkSj ;gkW ij mUgksaus estj ds iq= gksus dk QthZ izek.k i= fn[kk;k blds rgr ;s xSj dkuwuh ;k=k;sa cxSj fVdV djrs Fks blesa bUgksaus viusvkidks ds0lh0 pkScs crk;k gS tks iq= gksuk crk;k A vkj0ds0pkScs psUubZ jsthesUV esa estj gS blh dkMZ ds vk/kkj ij bUgksaus eksckby fle vkfn izkIr dh tcfd buds firk fHkyokM+k esa fuokl djrs gS rFkk fjVk;MZ thou O;rhr dj jgs gSa “kknh ds rqjar ckn ;s vkosfndk dks Hkksiky ysdj x;s tgkW ij buds ifjokj dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; Lokxr gsrq ugha Fkk u fg dksbZ ckjkrh Hkksiky rd lkFk vk;kA;gkW vkdj bl ckr dk Kku gqvk fd blds laca/k fdlh ls Hkh Bhd ugha gS Hkksiky vkus ij vius ifr ds dgus ij Hkksiky ds MkWDVj t; eseksfj;y dkWyst es lgk;d çk/;kid ds in ij dk;Z djus yxhA fdUrq vukosnd us vk;s fnu iSlksa ds fy;s ekjihV dj izrkfM+r djus dk flyflyk cuk;s j[kk jkf= 8 cts ds mijkar xkyh xykSp jkst dk fu;e cu x;kA rhu yk[k :i;s dh ekWxdj ckr2 ij ekjuk ihVuk “kq: gks x;k ftlls rax vkdj 25A04A2009 dks vkosfndk vius ek;ds dksrokyh esa fjiksVZ djds x;h FkhA fdUrq vehr }kjk vkosfndk dks eksckby ls /kedh nsuk rFkk xans eslst Hkstuk tkjh jgk] blh chp bUgksus esjs fo:} Hkksiky U;k;ky; es çek.k çLrqr dj fn;k rc eS fnukad 22A08A2009 dks Hkksiky vkdj viuk nkEiR; thou O;rhr djus yxhAblds ckn Hkh vehr }kjk iSlks dh EkkWx dh xbZ bl ij eSaus cryk;k fd esjs firk rFkk HkkbZ vk,axs  ogh bl laca/k esa dqN cryk;saxsA vkt lqcg esjs firk rFkk HkkbZ esjs ?kj vk;s rc vehr us iSlksa ds ckcr iwNk fdarq iSls ugha nssus ds dkj.k vehr us eq>s ekjihV “kq: dj nh rFkk esjs firk rFkk esjs HkkbZ dks xkfy;kW cdrs gq, ?kj ls viekfur dj fudky fn;k vr% Jhekuth fouez izkFkZuk gS fd vehr ds fo:} dk;Zokgh djus dh d`ik djsaAesjs ifr vehr ngst ykus ds fy, eq>s izrkfM+r ,oa viekfur dj vekuoh; O;ogkj dj jgs gS ftl ls esjk thou ujd tSlk gks x;k gS AJheku th ls vkxzg gS fd eq>s U;k; fnyokus dh d`ik djsaA fnuakd 25A08A09 gLrk{kj vkosfndk **

blesa iRuh us fy;k 25@04@09 dks fjiksVZ djds x;h Fkh mlesa ;g fy[kk Fkk eSA viuh ethZ ls vius ekrk firk ds ?kj tk jgha gWw vius lkFk vius eaxylw= vkSj igus ds diMs o t:jh nLrkost ysdj tk jgha gWwA

;gkW eSa crkuk pkgWwxk dh eSaus lsD'ku 09 fjiksZV ds igys gh is'k dj fn;k Fkk ftldk ftØ iRuh us ,Q vk; vkj esa fd;k gSA

lsD'ku 09 ds tokc nkok esa iwjh mij fy[kh fjiksVZ is'k dh x;h Fkh lsD'ku 09 dk QSlyk Qjojh 2010 es aifr ds i{k esa vk;k ftlesa ;g fy[kk x;k fd ^^ ifr us uk gh 'kkfjjhd vkSj uk ekufld :i ls izrkfM+r fd;k gS iRuh dks vkns'k fn;k tkrk gS fd og ifr ds vfoyac lkFk tkdj nkEiR; laca/kks dk fuoZgu djsA

ifr 18 vxLr ls 25 vxLr Hkksiky ;kus ?kVuk LFky ij ugha Fkk og 600fdeh nwj nwljs 'kgj esa Fkk ftlds lcwr ifr ds ikl gSA

iRuh dk esfMdy ugha gqvk gS ;kus dksbZ esfMdy lcwr ugha gSA

iRuh ,Q vk; vkj ds ckn vkdj irh ds lkFk yxHkx nks lky jgh vkSj cPps dk tUe fn;k!

,d :i;k Hkh ngst ugha fy;k x;k Fkk ;g irh us lsD'ku 09 esa lkfcr fd;k gSA iRuh ds vksj ls xokg esa og vkSj mldh ekW dk ijh{k.k gksuk gS A

iRuh dk dksbZ lxk HkkbZ ugha gS ftldk ftØ ,Q vk; vkj es fd;k gS ok fdjk;s dk ?kj ds ckgj dk O;fDr gS ml O;fDr ls fdlh Hkh rjg dk dksbZ jDRk laca/k ;k fj'rsnjh ugha gSA

iRuh ds firk dk nsgkar gks pqdk gSA

iRuh 25 vizsy09 dk ifr ds ?kj ls tkus ds ckn lh/ks fjiksVZ djus 25 vxLr 09 dks vk;h ijarq ml le; ifr Hkksiky ;kus ?kVuk LFky ij ugha Fkk iqfyl }kjk fj'or ysdj fjiksVZ fy[kh x;h Fkh] blh rkjrE; esa buosVhxs'ku vkWQhlj ds mij tkWp foHkkxh; dk;Zokgh dh x;h vkSj mls fuUnk ds n.M ls nf.Mr fd;k x;k Fkk mlij nks"k Fkk fd mlus lhvkjihlh ds izfrfØ;kRed mica/kks dk ikyu ugha fd;kA

bu ckrks ds vk/kkj ij dsl dk ifj.kke D;k gks ldrk gS!

d`i;k vki enn djs vkSj ,Sls >wBs dslksa ls yMus thrus es lg;ksx o esjk ekxZn'kZu djsa gks lds rks ilZuy eWlst esa viuk uacj ;k esy vkbMh nsus dk d"V djs eS Lo;a vkils laidZ d:WxkA

gkfnZd /kU;oknA

 10 Replies

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     20 February 2015

One more thing after year when many notices sent wife appear to give her statements?

so this will give negative effect of her on present case?

yogendra (engineer)     20 February 2015

kuch nahi hoga....aa jaate raho court fir discharge ki application court mai de do..........

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     21 February 2015

Yogendra sir Discharge application was given but it was rejected again in the appeal also it is said that durign this stage evidences and any documents form the accused will not be considered and for this govt prosecuter had given one ruling of State of Orissa v. Debendra Nath Padhi, AIR 2003 SC 1512

So i choose to face the trial and notices were issued wife appeared in last hearing.. but due to strike of advocate next date is given to her for her evidences..

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     24 February 2015

I think i had asked a tough one is able to find out cross question here..

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     27 February 2015

Really got some extra genius questions from experts in  my personnel message box , really now understood how other person can analyze the situation, which one by self cannot see, again requesting to other experts please give how i can make the cross more and more effective? I know judge will not give too much time to ask, so form you people i get guidance how to extract or to take out juice from the case................really great minds are really great.... they can find a needle from bottom of the ocean.

what a remarkable clues given, excellant...

salute to great legal mind, thinkers......

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     01 March 2015

so many allegations in FIR but police file chargesheet for the section 498A and court charge me under section 498A and DP4 dowry prohibition act,

now i want to know that -- Is police not investigated for the allegation as -

vehr eq>s lh/ks Hkksiky ys vk;s vkSj ;gkW ij mUgksaus estj ds iq= gksus dk QthZ izek.k i= fn[kk;k blds rgr ;s xSj dkuwuh ;k=k;sa cxSj fVdV djrs Fks blesa bUgksaus viusvkidks ds0lh0 pkScs crk;k gS tks iq= gksuk crk;k A vkj0ds0pkScs psUubZ jsthesUV esa estj gS blh dkMZ ds vk/kkj ij bUgksaus eksckby fle vkfn izkIr dh!

aand also for the allegation like---

vukosnd us vk;s fnu iSlksa ds fy;s ekjihV dj izrkfM+r djus dk flyflyk cuk;s j[kk jkf= 8 cts ds mijkar xkyh xykSp jkst dk fu;e cu x;kA rhu yk[k :i;s dh ekWxdj ckr2 ij ekjuk ihVuk “kq: gks x;k

so i want to know why police not register case under 323 ,
even court also not charged under 323 i mean to say that when i beat the wife and also infornt of her so called foul brother and father still  police not register the complaint under 323 so this means that DRAMA OF MARPEET was not happened and it is false story coconated strory other police must have used sec 323. if not then why such useful section get ignored by police and court?

iRuh us ,Q vk; vkj esa ;g Hkh fy[kk fd 25 vizSy 09 dks og 155 dh fjiksVZ djds x;h ftlesa flQZ ;g fy[kk Fkk fd og viuh ethZ ls vius ekrk firk ds ?kj tk jgh gS lkFk esa iguus ds diM+s eaxy lw= t:jh nLrkost ysdj tk jgh gSA

esjk iz”u gS fd og fQj 22 vxLr 09 dks fcuk dksVZ ;k iqfyl dks crk;s ifr ds ikl vkdj dSls jgus yxh !

vxj jgus yxh rks ifr }kjk dh x;h izrkM+uk ¼25 vizSy 09 ds iwoZ dh ½ dks iRuh }kjk ekQ ¼daMksus”ku vkWQ Øw;syVh½ dj fn;k x;k rks bl vk/kkj ij dksVZ ;k iqfyl dSls pkTZk yxk ldrh gSA

iRuh ,Q vk; vkj ds ckn ;kus 25 vxLr 09 dks ,Q vk; vkj djus ds ckn twu 10 esa vkdj irh ds lkFk yxHkx nks lky jgh vkSj cPps dk tUe fn;k!

rks bl rjg dksbZ dsl dgkW ls curk gS\

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     02 March 2015

so lastly from above , as i got many message ---

the point comes as

[1] how the case under sec 498A is maintainable here?

[2] why police not charged accused [ here amit] under sec 323 ?

[3] when investigation officer get punished then how the case is running till now ?

[4] court not considered the evidence produce by the accused by saying that at this stage documents from accused are not admissble and refrence is of devendranath padhi vs state of orissa   so while trial under which sec the court can consider the evidence from accused so that no furthur trial proceeds'?

[5] Last but not least how judge will handle as there is no medical, no witness  only mere allegations [ they are also vague like fabricated militry card , travel in railway without ticket etc etc but accused is not charge in that]

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     13 March 2015

sir yesterday chief and cross was over yestereday , 20 line ki fir me wife ne 20 page ka cross diya , sab ulta pulta , wo fir puri kanthast karke rat kar aayee thee, lekin sec09 ke jawab dawa ke me jo statement diya uske ulte satement or answer yaha par diya , court me bhi wahi attitute aur rough language use ki,, lekin mujhe maja aaya aisa laga ek lambi ladai jeet gaya koi aisi solid baat nahi rakh saki jisse pata chale ki demand and cruelty ya cruelty for demand aayee ho koi supportive evidence /material evidence nahi rakha ab uski mother ki gavhi next month hogi..thanks to you for your help and motivation

Ravi (a)     13 March 2015

Please send me those cross related questions. thank you!

ANEESH TRIVEDI (ADVOCATE) (Advocate)     13 March 2015

application will be given on monday or tuesday for copeis and copeis may be received after 10=15 days then i will send you

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