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Please suggest precautions against false dv or 498a cases

Page no : 2

SHARAD CHANDRA DANEJ (Asstt. Manager)     16 November 2016

भी आप का मामला अदालत तक नहीं पहुँचा है, पुलिस तक ही है। पुलिस ने यदि आप को गिरफ्तार कर लिया तो ही वह आप को अदालत में प्रस्तुत करेगी। तब अदालत तक आप का जाना हो सकेगा। लेकिन जब तक आप के विरुद्ध चालान पेश नहीं होता है आप को अदालत से कुछ कहने का अवसर नहीं मिलेगा। इस कारण से जब तक आप को पुलिस गिरफ्तार नहीं कर लेती है. आप पुलिस के अन्वेषण अधिकारी जिस के पास मामला अन्वेषण के लिए है उस के सामने अपना पक्ष स्पष्ट कर सकते हैं। यदि वह अधिकारी आप की बात सुनने से इन्कार करे तो आप पुलिस के उच्चाधिकारियों को अपनी बात लिख कर दे सकते हैं।
दि आप यह समझते हैं कि भा.दं.संहिता की धाराएँ 406 और 498-ए केवल दहेज के कारण ही लागू हो सकती हैं तो यह गलत धारणा है। यदि आप अपनी पत्नी के साथ क्रूरता पूर्ण व्यवहार करते हैं तो भी धारा 498-ए लागू होगी। यह क्रूरता मानसिक भी हो सकती है। आप यह न समझें कि यह धारा केवल दहेज के कारण ही प्रभाव में आ सकती है। धारा-406 स्त्री-धन के सम्बंध में है। यदि आप की पत्नी की कोई भी संपत्ति आप के कब्जे में है और आप उसे लौटाने से मना करते हैं या रोक कर रखते हैं तो धारा-406 लागू होगी। आप को चाहिए कि आप अन्वेषण अधिकारी को ऐसी सारी संपत्ति स्वयं ही सौंप दें और उसे सारी बात बताएँ। यह उस के विवेक पर है कि वह क्या करता है? 
दि आप के पास वकील के लिए पैसा नहीं है तो आप जिला न्यायाधीश की अध्यक्षता में गठित विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण के समक्ष एक आवेदन कीजिए कि आप को कानूनी सहायता चाहिए। यदि आप को योग्य माना गया तो आप को वहाँ से वकील की सुविधा प्राप्त हो जाएगी। जिस की फीस सरकार अदा करेगी।
धारा 406 व 498 ए में जमानत हो जाती है। लेकिन यह अन्वेषण समाप्त हो जाने पर या पुलिस को अन्वेषण के लिए आप की आवश्यकता न रहने पर ही संभव हो सकता है। 

MM   05 December 2016

Thanks for your valuable comments.

Now the bride side said that they spent 3 times the amount they actually spent on marriage. And blaming me & my family. However they hide the mental condition of her daughter from us & next day after marriage they told me that her daughter has some mental disorder. The girl stayed only one month at my home (with my family) since May, 2016 and moved to her parents house after saying that I slapped her (which is again a lie). She didn't even know the duties of wife for which I gave her time. Now asking for big sum of money (which is far beyond our limit) and if we are not then file a false case against me and my family.

Please suggest what precaution steps I can take as per Hindu marriage act.



Pawan S (Advocate)     05 December 2016

The girl may file number of cases against you (either true/false), but, things will get sorted out in the trial. And one cannot stop her from filing the suits. Let her do whatever she wants.

The burden of proof lies on their side (prosecution). They need to prove what they are saying is true.

There is no question to bear out her demands. Fight for the justice.

Courts are also aware of these kind of cases, as 90% of the cases are fake. So, probability of conviction in these kind of cases in very rare.


  1. Do not keep any assets in your name.


  1. If you do any private job, then try to switch this. Keep your new employer name confidential.

Rajiv kumar (abc)     06 December 2016

you should directly file Section 10 (HMA) for Judicial separation immediately, sighting the mental grounds and threats given by them. 

This would help in all cases further, you must be having evidence of her mental disorder , video recording of 30( FPS) at least and doctors's prescriptttion may be. Create evidence of her mental disorder and file section 10 judicial separation. 

you may even file section 10 anyhow. this would help you as proof of your status against her.  after one year you can file divorce petition. 

MM   20 March 2017

Hi All,

Please give advice on following points:

  • Is it possible to file for divorce before1 year of wedding?
  • What if they ask go for out of court settlement at the time of filing for divorce? Is there any legal process to return their stuffs so that they cant claim anything in future or during the tenure when divorce case going on?
  • How much time the divorce process takes?

Please suggest.



Rajiv kumar (abc)     20 March 2017

1. You can not file divorce in first year of marriage 

2. Going for out of court settlement is better option, the court procedure would always take time and it is infinite in nature. The divorced nonworking woman can claim maintenance for livelihood ( small in amount) till the point of time she did not get remarry. 

3. usually six month for mutually consented, you will among 1% cases of getting divorce 

MM   20 March 2017

Thanks for your reply.

Regarding 2nd point, is there any way to make the settlement legal? Will this settlement will be done under court supervision. I mean what if after taking all the articles they go into denial mode. Please suggest.

MM   22 March 2017

Originally posted by : MM
Any suggestions???

Regarding 2nd point, is there any way to make the settlement legal? Will this settlement will be done under court supervision. I mean what if after taking all the articles they go into denial mode. Please suggest.


Rajiv kumar (abc)     24 March 2017

Lokadalat is a legal method, when both parties are agreed to get compromised. ( A Stage when both parties gets completely exhausted and fully exploited by legal process and judicial systems). 

you need not to return and give money at first hand. 

1. Give first installment at the grant of mutual divorce ( 20-25%), move with this high court under 482

2. Second installment (70-80%),  When the all cases gets quashed under 482 by respective High court  

The settlement deed should elaborate these conditions clearly, while filing the mutual divorce petition under 13B.


MM   27 March 2017

Thanks Rajiv.

Not sure if they have file any case. But they are asking full settlement while filing for mutual divorce. 


MM   10 July 2017

Hi All,

Need expert advice here.

We agreed to go with mutual divorce and do an agreement to give 50% of amount plus stridhan in first motion and then rest 50% in second motion. I have few doubts:
- is it possible the filing mutual divorce petition and first motion can happen in same day?
- as per their lawyer, MoU will not be part of mutual divorce petition, is it true? However when I search I found some template of MCD where MoU is mentioned and the belongings were given before the court. My concern is if it is not part of MCD then they may withdraw later. How to make it safeguard.
- what if they later withdraw and not appear for second motion

Please advice.


MM   11 July 2017

Originally posted by : MM

Hi All,

Need expert advice here.

We agreed to go with mutual divorce and do an agreement to give 50% of amount plus stridhan in first motion and then rest 50% in second motion. I have few doubts:
- is it possible the filing mutual divorce petition and first motion can happen in same day?
- as per their lawyer, MoU will not be part of mutual divorce petition, is it true? However when I search I found some template of MCD where MoU is mentioned and the belongings were given before the court. My concern is if it is not part of MCD then they may withdraw later. How to make it safeguard.
- what if they later withdraw and not appear for second motion

Please advice.

Please suggest....

Also anyone has the format of divorce petition having settlement clause (like 50% in first motion n rest in second) in Hindi..please share. 


Pawan S (Advocate)     11 July 2017

- Is it possible the filing mutual divorce petition and first motion can happen in same day?



- As per their lawyer, MoU will not be part of mutual divorce petition, is it true?

MoU may or may not be a part of the divorce petition. MoU should be signed by both the parties in the presence of their advocates. After that ask your advocate to notarize the MoU. And get a certified copy of it. MoU is a contract. The party will be liable in case of breach of contract or breach of conditions of the MOU.



- What if they later withdraw and not appear for second motion

Any party of the case has a right to withdraw his/her consent on or before the completion of the second motion of MCD.

If any party does not appear and also does show a good reason for his/her non-appearance in the court then the court will not grant you divorce by mutual consent. The application filed will be dismissed and you will have to file the divorce petition again and contest it on the grounds as mentioned in the HMA.

MM   11 July 2017

Originally posted by : Ekta

- As per their lawyer, MoU will not be part of mutual divorce petition, is it true?

MoU may or may not be a part of the divorce petition. MoU should be signed by both the parties in the presence of their advocates. After that ask your advocate to notarize the MoU. And get a certified copy of it. MoU is a contract. The party will be liable in case of breach of contract or breach of conditions of the MOU.

Thanks Ekta for your valuable reply.

Is it possible to mention the settlement condition in divorce petition that 50% in first motion and rest in second motion before the court. OR get MoU  signed outside and attach that with divorce petition?

Just wanted to make them liable if they don't appear in second motion. Please suggest.


Pawan S (Advocate)     11 July 2017

Yes. It can be done.

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