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K LAL (SELF)     04 December 2011

Plot in h.u.d.a sect 45

A brief synopsis of the case is given below.I want your suggestion on the matter as well as THE NAME OF A HONEST lawyer to file a writ if needed or any other forum from where I get the releif or  in Punjab and haryana High court india



To exchange the Plot 814 Sect 45 which falls under electric High tension Line therefore cant be constructed as building plan is not sanctioned to do so.



The plot No 738 size 90 Sq Mts was originally allotted in Sector 46 to Smt Ashoo D/o of Shri R.P.ADHlAKHA by the com Detent authority Estate Officer H.U.D.A FARIDABAD in the year 10-5-1990 vide A/46/90/2219 FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF Rs 55900.80 as per copy of allotment and full payment was made by him after this. This plot fell in some land litigation with the land owners from land was acquired.


Therefore another plot was exchanged an alternative plot No 814 Sect 45 in lieu of the above. The technical paper demarcation of this plot was given Junior Engineer HUDA FARIDABAD Vide memo No S-945 dated 4-4-2005. The sale deed was registered in favor the allotee Ashoo on 15-4-1999 by the Estate officer Huda Faridabad in the Registrar office.


The plot exchanged a few hands in last 22 years but the position remained the same and Manjula Asthana became the owner. Ultimately the owner Manjula Saxena came to know few years back that the present plot No 814 exchanged in Sect 4S has also technical def.ect of a Electrical High Tension Line passing over head it hence plan to construct the same can not be sanctioned due to this reason.


She ran pillar to post get this plot also exchanged but all in vain which also evident from the enclosed document [Application to exchange the plot as well as some RTI AND THEIR some replies from HUDA ] herewith for your ready reference.


Now the present owner [ i.e. we] are Shri Manoj Seth and Goldi seth vide sale deed registered on 211-2011 purchased this plot from MANJULA ASTHANA VIDE Registered sale deed No 12166 registration year 2011-2012 book No 1 in the Registrar office Fardiabad. And also applied for a mutation in their name in Estate office Faridabad.


By Now 22 years have passed on this land of plot but department is negligent to listen the actual grievance of the plot holder.


Kindly guide me how to exert my legal right

 1 Replies

Manoj Choudhary (Advocate)     04 December 2011

Contact 9958966645, We are Faridabad based lawyer, working in district and  High Court of Punjab and Haryana.

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