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savita   06 March 2016

Poa of married person

Not sure if its correct forum for this post.

I am married indian women living outside of India. My husband in his recent india visit created power of attorney with this married sister giving her all the rights to take all his decisions in his abscence in India. POA was made without my knowledge. Both of them (my husband and his sister) hide this from me. I have no idea about motive behind POA.

Can married person create POA without spouce knowledge in India? Is there anything i can do to stop that POA? Whatever document she signs with this POA can i object those in court?


thanks in advance.


 4 Replies

r.sathyanarayanan   06 March 2016

Madam, There is nothing as such that married man has to appoint agent only with the consent of his wife.If he is competent to appoint agent,he can appoint any one. The only option to you is if you made out a strong case against him on any valid reason means ,you can obtain injunction against him from transferring any of the assets to any person.

ravi (Eng)     07 March 2016

Thank Mrs. Savita ji and Mr. Sathyanarayan ji for your replies ...

ravi (Eng)     07 March 2016

Sorry replied in wrong post..


POA can be given by a person to anyone to act on his behalf,:but only for a specific purpose. But the POA holder cannot transact anything which causes loss or damage to the wife. Hence UR sister in law cannot sell any property belonging to UR husband in which U have a legal right or claim.

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