shaik mohammed ali 01 May 2020
P. Venu (Advocate) 01 May 2020
The facts posted are incomplete. Why should there be panic just because of a lathi?
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 01 May 2020
Mere carrying a stick resembling a lathi is not a crime. The circumstances, the timings the impersonation factors, the background of such person, the intentions behind carrying such lathi like stick etc., matter. ( Generally, all these happen to extort money from gamblers, traffic offenses, from persons -moving around prohibited places during lockdown timings, drinking in public places - with a view to threatening the persons involved a crime /violation with the purpose of creating terror and extorting money.)
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 01 May 2020
Dear querist,
You can complaint to local police station for endangering your life against the person.
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 01 May 2020
Dear Queriest,
This is not the time for making mutual allegations as the matter is sensitive between two communities and any provocations, allegations may cause deterioration of the peace during lockdown conditions. If there was no harm, just ignore it, and if you know the person and a photograph /video is available, then let the matter be followed through society management at first.
Shashi Dhara 01 May 2020
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 02 May 2020
Please give facts of the case as this forumcannot solve riddles.