i want to know how to get police protection for implementation of injunction order of agriland.
Medaboina srinivas 12 December 2017
i want to know how to get police protection for implementation of injunction order of agriland.
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate) 12 December 2017
Dear friend,
File suit for Permanent Injuction and get a stay order the Court will order for police protection to =impliments its order. Ask your lawyer to file an application under section 151 CPC, if you need more help the please come to my office with prior permission and remitting fees to LAWYERSCLUBOFINDIA, I will try to solve your problem.
If you are not from Karnataka State then send your full question and documents to my e-mail.
With regards,
Retd Judge
Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer) 13 December 2017
You have to contact the local police station along with the court injunction and an application. Police are generally lethargic in such matters. You may have to compensate them handsomely.